Meeting Pearls 4
Meeting Pearls Vol. IV (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Text File
263 lines
; BattleDuel Install Script $VER: Install 1.5.42 (2.8.96)
; Copyright © 1995-1996 Jochen Terstiege
; language strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #hello "\nWillkommen zur BattleDuel Installation\nund Update\n\n\Version 1.5.42")
(set #update (cat "Sie haben BattleDuel auf ihrem System schon installiert. "
"Alle alten Dateien werden gelöscht und die neuen werden installiert."))
(set #select_destination "Bitte wählen Sie aus, wo das BattleDuel-Verzeichnis erzeugt werden soll")
(set #destination_help (cat "Wählen Sie eine Partition oder ein Verzeichnis aus. "
"Ein Verzeichnis mit dem Namen 'BattleDuel' wird dort erzeugt."))
(set #install_to1 "\nBattleDuel nach \"")
(set #install_to2 "\" installieren?")
(set #startup "Ergänze user-startup")
(set #startup_help "Dieser Assign wird von BattleDuel gebraucht")
(set #have_fun "Viel Spaß mit BattleDuel...")
(set #which_chipset "Welchen Chipsatz haben Sie?")
(set #chipset_help (cat "Wenn Sie einen Amiga 4000, A1200 oder eine Grafikkarte "
"besitzen, dann müssen Sie AGA wählen, ansonsten ECS!"))
(set #want_mwb_icons "Wollen Sie MagicWB Icons installieren?")
(set #mwb_icons (cat "MagicWB ist ein Set von Icons mit 8 Farben.\n"
"MagicWB ist © by Martin Huttenloher"))
(set #error_extract (cat "Fehler beim Entpacken der Datei: "))
(set #hello "\nWelcome to the BattleDuel Installation\nand update\n\n\Version 1.5.42")
(set #update (cat "You already have BattleDuel installed on your system. "
"All old files will be deleted and the new ones installed."))
(set #select_destination "Select the location to install the BattleDuel directory")
(set #destination_help (cat "Choose a destination partition or directory. "
"A directory called 'BattleDuel' will be created there."))
(set #install_to1 "\nInstall BattleDuel to \"")
(set #install_to2 "\" ?")
(set #startup "Adding assign to user-startup")
(set #startup_help "This assign is needed by BattleDuel!")
(set #have_fun "Have fun with BattleDuel...")
(set #which_chipset "Which Chipset do you have?")
(set #chipset_help (cat "If you own an Amiga 4000, A1200 or a graphicboard then "
"you must select AGA, otherwise you must select ECS!"))
(set #want_mwb_icons "Do you want to install MagicWB icons?")
(set #mwb_icons (cat "MagicWB is a set of nice icons with 8 colors.\n"
"MagicWB is © by Martin Huttenloher"))
(set #error_extract (cat "Error while extracting from file: "))
; variables
(set inputdir (pathonly @icon)) ; from where we were started
(set bd_drawer "BattleDuel") ; destination drawer name
(set bd_dest (getassign "BD")) ; default destination
; welcome
(message #hello)
; already there?
(if (<> bd_dest "")
(; update
(set update true)
(message #update)
(; first installation
(set update false)
(set bd_dest
(prompt #select_destination)
(default "Work:")
(help #destination_help)
(set @default-dest bd_dest)
; delete old files
;(if (= update true)
; (
; (set del_pattern "#?")
; (foreach bd_dest del_pattern
; (delete (tackon bd_dest @each-name))
; )
; )
; make directory
(if (= update false)
(set bd_dest (tackon bd_dest bd_drawer))
(message (cat #install_to1 bd_dest #install_to2))
(makedir bd_dest (infos))
(makeassign "BD" bd_dest)
; ask for chipset
(set aga
(prompt #which_chipset)
(help #chipset_help)
(choices "ECS" "AGA/Graphicboard")
(default 1)
; extract files
(procedure extract
(set lha (cat "decrunch -a -m -q x \"" (tackon inputdir current) ".lha\" * " dir_dest))
(working "Installing " current)
(if (<> (run lha) 0)
(message #error_extract current)
; patch landscapes with balloon (registered v1.03 and v1.4.80)
(if (and (= update true)
( (or (exists ("BD:BattleDuel.key"))
(exists ("devs:BattleDuel.key"))
(exists ("s:BattleDuel.key")) )
(if (= (getsize "BD:BattleDuel") 96424)
(if (= aga 1)
( (set current "Landscapes_Patch3_ECS") (set dir_dest "RAM:") (extract) (execute "RAM:patch") )
( (set current "Landscapes_Patch3_AGA") (set dir_dest "RAM:") (extract) (execute "RAM:patch") )
(if (= (getsize "BD:BattleDuel") 131236)
(if (= aga 1)
( (set current "Landscapes_Patch4_ECS") (set dir_dest "RAM:") (extract) (execute "RAM:patch") )
( (set current "Landscapes_Patch4_AGA") (set dir_dest "RAM:") (extract) (execute "RAM:patch") )
(complete 0)
(set current "Program") (set dir_dest "BD:") (extract)
(complete 10)
(if (= aga 1)
( (set current "Gfx_ECS") (set dir_dest "BD:Gfx/ECS/") (extract) )
( (set current "Gfx_AGA") (set dir_dest "BD:Gfx/AGA/") (extract) )
(complete 20)
(if (= update false)
(if (= aga 1)
( (set current "Landscapes_ECS") (set dir_dest "BD:Landscapes/ECS/") (extract) )
( (set current "Landscapes_AGA") (set dir_dest "BD:Landscapes/AGA/") (extract) )
) )
(complete 30)
(if (or (exists ("BD:BattleDuel.key"))
(exists ("devs:BattleDuel.key"))
(exists ("s:BattleDuel.key"))
(if (= aga 1)
( (set current "Gfx_ECS_Reg") (set dir_dest "BD:Gfx/ECS/") (extract) )
( (set current "Gfx_AGA_Reg") (set dir_dest "BD:Gfx/AGA/") (extract) )
(complete 40)
(set current "Mods") (set dir_dest "BD:Mods/") (extract)
(complete 50)
(set current "Settings") (set dir_dest "BD:Settings/") (extract)
(complete 60)
; copy selected language
(if (= @language "deutsch")
( (set current "Deutsch") (set dir_dest "BD:") (extract) )
( (set current "English") (set dir_dest "BD:") (extract) )
(complete 70)
; add MagicWB icons?
(set mwb
(prompt #want_mwb_icons)
(help #mwb_icons)
(choices "Yes" "No")
(default 1)
(if (= mwb 1)
( (set current "MWB_Icons") (set dir_dest "BD:") (extract) )
( (set current "Icons") (set dir_dest "BD:") (extract) )
(complete 80)
; set tooltypes
(if (= aga 1)
(dest "BD:BattleDuel")
(settooltype "DISPLAY_ID" "0x0")
(settooltype "DISPLAY_TYPE" "ECS")
(dest "BD:BattleDuel")
(settooltype "DISPLAY_ID" "0x0")
(settooltype "DISPLAY_TYPE" "AGA")
(complete 90)
; modify user-startup
(if (= update false)
(startup "BattleDuel"
(prompt #startup)
(command (cat "Assign >NIL: BD: " bd_dest))
(help #startup_help)
(complete 100)
(exit #have_fun)